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My journey with Mother Mary from disbelief and unworthiness to the incomparable joys of living a life of love and purpose.

Will You Be With Me?

~ Mary Elizabeth Smith Founder and host of Heavenly Encounters and Health and Harmony radio

If ever there was a book infused with hope and love that could shift humanity’s trajectory, this is it. The divine light of Mother Mary and Samarah radiates from the pages and illuminates a pathway to discover our own soul's essence.

~ Elaine Christine
author The Peace Prophecy trilogy

"An authentic Marian channel, Samarah sounds the Clarion call for light workers to be the hands and feet of love in this world. It's Go time!"

~ Zing Zafzinger

I found it hard to put it down once I opened it! It embraces a philosophy of perfect innocence, trust, and love.

~ Richard myers

It is rare indeed to find a work that can touch the reader deeply enough to bring tears of joyous recognition and purpose on the first page. This one did.

~ dene' canon, Owner Enchanted Journeys de Santa Fe

I came away from reading the first chapter with a feeling of magic all around me.  i have been walking around with a smile on my face that brings me joy.

~ Lori Stephenson

Samarah humbly opens the window of her extraordinary journey of allowing Mother Mary to speak through her. She offers a breath of fresh air with a view of the landscape into new hope for humanity

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Enlightenment can come in different forms but the one thing which is certain is that once it occurs there is a remarkable difference in the individual. This is what happened to Samarah Grace, who had her very own personal episode of enlightenment at a rather young age.

Follow her as she details her steady growth from her first steps of understanding, facing the obstacles that were thrown in her path by both strangers and even her loved ones, and the moments of self-doubt and confusion she passed through right up to her ascension to the position of a skilled Reiki Master Teacher and an extremely gifted spiritual guide. Will You Be With Me? is her story.

Will You Be With Me? by Samarah Grace is not your run-of-the-mill pamphlet on new and attainable levels of spirituality; it is a treasure trove of knowledge that should not be taken lightly.

The discussion is detailed, right from her early years as a youth grappling with her experiences when communicating with Mother Mary. It is sequentially ordered and simple to follow even for one who is not so well versed in matters relating to spirituality and personal development such as myself.

Samarah Grace uses simple language to explain her experiences, brought home with the use of ample examples from her life story that are strategically placed in the book. Samarah Grace makes a bold statement with Will You Be With Me? She dares you to step up, take your fate into your own hands, and believe that everything will fall into place accordingly.

Reviewed by Essien Asian

Reader's Favorite Review

Frequently Asked Questions

How can this book help me if it is your story?

How can this book help me if it is your story?

My story of doubt and stumbling is common to the journey of most spiritual seekers.

I hope you can see yourself in my shortcomings and triumphs. It is my story and yet it is the story of all of us who dare to set out and find the path of our soul.

Are you available for a group meeting to include Messages from Mother Mary and book signings?

Are you available for a group meeting to include Messages from Mother Mary and book signings?

Absolutely! Please reach out to me via my contact page and let’s set something up!

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world renowned reiki master teacher

doctorate of ministry in wisdom spirtuality

Madonna minister

In this true account, I share the incredible journey that unfolded from my willingness to be a Messenger and Channel for Mother Mary.

Would you say yes to a startling request from Mother Mary?