Most of us grew up hearing, “I will believe it when I see it”, accompanied by a sarcastic “yeah sure!”
What if this New Year is a chance to implement a new way of seeing? What if we could begin to manifest from our inner vision? What if that inner vision holds a world of wonder and possibility? What if we could truly see with soul-sight? What might change?
One timeless spiritual law is “As within; so, without.” We all see through the lens of our conditioning until we can identify and clear a new path.
Challenge #1
Uncover and release the patterns and beliefs that limit and distort how we see ourselves and the world. Thus, the first step to having clear soul sight is to empty ourselves of all the judgments, recriminations, prejudices, and regrets that cloud our point of view.
How can we do that?
This in-depth self-awareness practice requires us to notice our thoughts as we see others do what we would love to be doing as well as those who are acting in ways that alarm or disturb us. We must ask ourselves what kind of person does x? Instead of feeling jealousy for those who are living with joy; ask what do I really want and what stops me from having it? When we see someone behaving in a manner we disapprove of; ask what is it that they must believe if they are choosing that behavior?
The goal is to become a Clear-eyed Witness rather than a Judgmental Reactor.
From these observations, create a list of the qualities and beliefs of those you have envied. Also create a list of the qualities and beliefs of those you have judged harshly. These becomes the template to design new choices to clear the way for creating clarity and thus extraordinary fulfillment.
Challenge #2
Engage the power of I Am statements that will define and lead us forward.
I Am creative. I Am worthy. I Am gifted. I Am persistent. I Am open. I Am a chalice of forgiveness and hope. I Am the light of the divine housed in this human body. I Am the light I came to be. I Am the love that I came to share.
Each sentence we write, can affirm again and again the path of higher light. Remember that releasing the human bondage of conditioning to fully connect with our divinity is the path to greater freedom, joy, and abundance.
Challenge #3
Believe what you are affirming. Sometimes there will be setbacks and obstacles. That’s when we must double down on our I AM statements, not allowing past patterns or judgments to keep us from our highest path. As we manifest the new, let’s congratulate ourselves and take time to appreciate the creations.
For me, my recent move to South Carolina where I knew no one and had never been, created a blank canvas of possibilities. I started signing my emails “Samarah by the Sea” to designate this new environment. I found a wonderful apartment and furnished it in the beachy style I had always admired, while living in Arizona for 30 years. I reached out to try new activities and found places to walk and celebrate nature’s diversity. The ocean is a 10-minute drive for me and walking along the shore and seeing the pelicans dive for food and the occasional dolphin has restored something in me I didn’t even know was missing.
I updated and revised my website using a wonderful designer so that I feel truly proud each time I go to I began these monthly blogs; I joined a local community center and have been attending their classes. I have felt lonely at times as meeting others is a slow process and yet I know I am where I can design and live a new chapter so instead of “retirement”‘ I am choosing “Inspirement.”
My favorite affirmation” I Am the light I came to be.”
What are you ready to create? I would love to hear from you.
Peace and Blessings,
Samarah by the Sea
If you would like a private coaching session with Samarah and Mother Mary, email and let’s get to the belief or pattern that is holding you back!
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