If your heart is troubled and looking for answers, Mother Mary offers clarity, comfort and direction.

Mother Mary Session

Gain clarity & comfort

Is this the same as a psychic reading?

Is this the same as a psychic reading?

No. Mother Mary helps you see how the choices and beliefs in your current life have created a trajectory that may or may not be serving you.

By getting clarity on just what those beliefs are and the related choices, you have clarity to shift to a path that can lead to where you would prefer to be.

Will I get a recording of the reading?

Will I get a recording of the reading?

Yes. I will send you the recording as an MP3 to download.

Can Mother Mary tell me my soul’s purpose?

Can Mother Mary tell me my soul’s purpose?

Yes. She can help you see who you are, why you came, and what gifts you are here to share.

Activate your full radiance with 3 streams of higher consciousness that unite your heart, mind, and body.

White Star Reiki & Retreats

Activate your full radiance

How is this Reiki different from Usui Reiki?

How is this Reiki different from Usui Reiki?

White Star Reiki builds on the traditional foundation of Reiki by including a process to heal each chakra of the student and reconnect with Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras to create an extraordinary union of body, mind, and spirit.

This unity allows the student to be effective in maintaining their own energy balance as well as helping their clients.

If I have already had Reiki, is it still helpful?

If I have already had Reiki, is it still helpful?

Yes. It builds on what you already have.

What if I have never had Reiki?

What if I have never had Reiki?

This will provide both the foundation and the expansion.

How is it offered?

How is it offered?

I can do much of the work via Zoom and with the workbook, with the attunements done in person at a time and place we mutually arrange.