As the new administration takes a chainsaw to the old ways, what will remain and how will it serve us? Whether you voted for him or not, we are all now in the same boat navigating roiling seas. Agencies gutted, career public servants fired, thousands laid off from every DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) position and top experts in the tech and military and FAA gone.
To what end? What is the goal? Will this wholesale gutting result in a better quality of life for most people? I don’t know. What I do know is that many people are hurt, confused, angry and fearful. What can we collectively do to calm the waters and navigate to a destination where justice and compassion still have a home?
At times like this, I turn to Mother Mary, the wise loving voice that has been with me for decades now. Here is what she offered:
Beloved friends,
The world as you have known it is disintegrating. Endless cycles of darkness, greed, and fear have dominated the earth for eons. When people are overwhelmed and fearful, they lose all reason and enter a kind of madness. Certain that someone else is to blame for their misery, they will steal and lynch and kill those they see as “enemies.” This is a period in your evolution when this darkness must finally be dispelled.
You will rise or you will fall. The truth must be spoken; not in hatred; not in anger, but with the light of illumination guiding you. This light will open minds and hearts to the knowing that this is a planet of possibilities and growth. If you are not happy with the possibilities you are experiencing, it is time to choose a new path and trajectory and put your energy behind that.
As each of you take back your power and authority and choose the path of greatest light, the bullies and billionaires who would constrain you will be brought down. Perhaps not in a day, not in a week, not in a month, but surely and slowly as those of you wake up; choose to speak up and acknowledge the light that guides you, they will fall.
As the light grows within you, you will no longer be taken in by their false promises and magic tricks and the thought that somehow, they know better than you do what makes a world that works.
To illuminate is to bring the light of justice and clarity, hope and possibilities. This is the battle for which you came. This is the battle for the hearts and minds of humanity and the planet you call home. This is not about your political party, race, religion, or beliefs. It is about conscience. To be conscious is to allow the light of your conscience to guide you. It is time for dignity, respect, and compassion for all people, old and young, frail and strong to come together and choose the path of greatest light.
Be inspired by the great ones in your history who chose to rise. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, and so many others. They were ordinary until the challenge was presented, and they rose to it. Perhaps you worry that you will suffer as they did. Yet is sitting at home what your soul is called to do? Why is there so much depression and addiction in those who have chosen complacency over courage? There are no lesser lights just as there are no chosen people. All of that is another divisive lie, empty promises to keep you quiet.
Now is the hour. Will you rise or will you fall? There is no other choice. You will rise or you will fall.
It is time and we are with you.
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